La Medusa Honorable
impression of Miriam Germán Brito
Miriam Germán Brito is a lawyer, former Supreme Court Judge and current Attorney General of the Dominican Republic.
Fiercely committed to fighting administrative corruption rooted in the previous government, Miriam Germán Brito launched Operation Medusa, charging officials with crimes of association of criminals, fraud against the State, bribery, coalition of officials, falsification of public documents, identity theft, electronic crimes, and money laundering.
“Yo hace tiempo que aprendí que los demás tratan a uno no como uno es sino como ellos son.”
“I learned long ago that others treat you not as you are but as they are.”
Perseo vencedor de Medusa, Giordano, Luca y Taller, 1699 - 1702. Óleo sobre lienzo, 223 x 91 cm, Museo del Prado
Miriam Germán Brito en el momento que era agredida en el Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura; photo
Medusa refers both to the archetypal wronged-woman with venomous snakes for hair, whose rage, pain and horrifying image turns unsuspecting viewers to stone; and to the immortal, and deadly, jellyfish, subphylum Medusozoa.
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Medusa, Caravaggio, 1597, Uffizi, Florence, Italy
- New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., New York, 1959
- Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood, Merlin Stone, Beacon Press, Boston, 1984
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
- When God Was A Woman, Merlin Stone, Harvest Edition, 1976
- The Civilization of the Goddess, The World of Old Europe, Marija Gimbutas, HarperCollins Publishers, 1991
- The Language of the Goddess, Marija Gimbutas, HarperRow publishers, San Francisco, 1989