A suitcase. A jumble of keys.
Locked? Unlocked?
What does the suitcase signify?
What do you see?

Students engaging with objects from a suitcase in Amanta Scott’s workshop for Parallel Lines at Kirkland Lake District Composite School

onlookers watch in amusement as this participant organizes the objects according to her individual criteria

Students consider ‘what’s in the suitcase?’ — at Amanta Scott’s Parallel Lines workshop at Kirkland Lake District Composite School

listening to another’s stories provokes thought, sparks memories during the workshop

Interest and enthusiasm grew as we got into things.
There was a whole range of objects in the suitcase for Amanta Scott’s workshop with Parallel Lines at Kirkland Lake District Composite School

everything came out of the suitcase in Amanta Scott’s workshop with Parallel Lines at Kirkland Lake District Composite School

Juxtaposing objects: a derailed train, an empty plate, a tangle of keys, a feather and some driftwood
Amanta Scott’s workshop for Parallel Lines at Beaverhouse First Nation

Amanta Scott’s Parallel Lines workshop for students at Kirkland Lake District Composite School

Items from the suitcase displayed across a table convey a range of stories.
Every object represents something unique in the eyes of the viewer.
There is no one way to view anything.

What is the significance of a teddy bear wrapped in fox fur?
Participants had some fascinating interpretations.